Those who oppose Question 1, which would create a universal home care program and will be on the November statewide ballot, have adopted the slogan “Stop The Scam” (“Critics cast in-home care referendum as Trojan horse,” July 30, Page A1).

The Maine State Chamber of Commerce, the Maine Hospital Association and the Home Care & Hospice Alliance of Maine, which are leading the opposition effort, should be ashamed of themselves. They have chosen to use the outrageous scare tactics of the Trump and LePage administrations rather than clearly address their concerns with the program.

These organizations represent diverse businesses and institutions that feed off the system as it is now structured at the expense of those working-class elderly and disabled who cannot afford the care they need short of sacrificing everything they own.

And when their nest eggs and homes are gone, they become a tax burden on others who will eventually face the same dilemma, instead of exclusively on those who can most comfortably afford to help the very people who, in many – if not most – cases, helped fund the cushions they will fall back on in their own retirement.

Most of us would prefer to remain at home with loved ones and in familiar surroundings where favorite family foods are provided by those who know and love us. The universal home care program will make that possible by providing state-funded assistance for those who need help to make that happen. It is primarily about compassionate care, but it will also provide reasonable financial compensation for those who provide it, including family members.

Jerry Genesio
