The Environmental Protection Agency recently rolled back our federal clean car standards – the best plan we have to mitigate climate change from Washington, D.C. Untouched, the standards would increase fuel efficiency and avoid billions of tons of carbon emissions from 2018 to 2026.

Unfortunately, the Trump administration is proposing to freeze these standards at the 2020 levels and block states’ ability to set their own emissions standards. Here in Maine, one of 12 states that have adopted California’s stricter standards, our ability to set our own tailpipe pollution goals may be terminated.

Fortunately, there has been lot of resistance to these changes at the national level and here in our state. Maine is one of a handful of states whose entire congressional delegation has publicly expressed concern about and opposition to these changes. In Maine, having one Democratic, one independent and two Republican elected officials publicly criticize these standards demonstrates that fighting climate change, advocating for cleaner air and protecting our health is a bipartisan issue. All of their statements advocated for sustainable and innovative solutions that lower consumers’ bills at the pump and reduce harmful auto emissions.

Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King and Reps. Bruce Poliquin and Chellie Pingree make me proud to be a native of Maine, because they acted together to advocate for our environment and against standards like these. Our elected officials here in Maine should serve as examples to elected officials across the country to cross party lines and fight for what is right for not only the environment but also for all Americans.

Madeleine Fenderson

Environment Maine
