NEW YORK — Gina Rodriguez credits “Jane the Virgin” with many things: changing her career (she won a Golden Globe for her work on the CW series in 2015), giving her a platform for activism and humanitarian work, and leading her to the love of her life.

She is now engaged to Joe LoCicero, whom she met when he guest-starred in an episode of the show in 2016.

“I never was the girl that dreamt about my wedding,” Rodriguez, 34, said in an interview Tuesday. “I did always pray that I would meet a really cool partner, whether it was going to be male or female, that I was going to have somebody that was going to uplift me and support me and want me to shine … and I found it in Joe, and I found it on the set of ‘Jane.’ ”

Rodriguez revealed details of their relationship while on a media tour for the feminine products company Always. The brand wants to bring awareness to what’s known as “period poverty,” where American girls from low-income families miss school because they don’t have access to menstrual products.

“It devastates me. It breaks my heart,” the actress said.