At a time when human decency seems scarce, I want to take a moment to share my gratitude for the kind humans who helped strangers in need.

It’s been a peculiar week to say the least. My husband and I separately got into bicycle accidents and suffered fractures.

Two ER visits in six days. He hit a hole in the road and was propelled from his bike, causing a fracture to his collarbone.

I was struck by a vehicle and broke my arm. In both cases we were alone and random Portlanders came to our rescue.

A wonderful physical therapist spotted Matt’s fall, swooped in and transported him safely to the hospital. A kind construction worker ran to my side to make sure I was OK and waited with me until paramedics arrived on the scene.

The police, paramedics, nurses, and doctors all kept me laughing through tears and provided thoughtful and empathetic care.


In these small but terrifying moments, Portlanders stepped up to the occasion without reservation or judgment.

In our current political environment, every policy debate and election becomes divisive.

It’s my hope that we as a community can extend our decency and come together to solve complicated issues in the same way we know how to care for seemingly random strangers who get in bicycle accidents.

Courtney Pladsen
