I’ve lived in my home in a residential neighborhood of South Portland for 47 years. There have been some changes, as one might expect, but nothing as dramatic as what I’ve experienced over the last few years. Two moderately priced homes that a young family could have afforded were purchased by investors. They were then immediately gutted and turned into mini-motels. Renters were turned out, homeowner opportunities and hopes were dashed as those property prices skyrocketed and in one case more than doubled. Homes and families have been replaced by an ongoing cycle of transients. Greed trumped need.

The South Portland City Council through workshops, public sessions and council meetings to hear concerns, revised zoning ordinances to clarify language and provide clear guidelines about what is allowed in residential zones. This was done to restore a sense the safety and quality of life that has been upended by monster marketing entities, and B&B and boarding type houses defined as short-term rentals.

Now those marketers and investors have launched yet another petition designed to allow them to continue to rob neighbors and neighborhoods of their residential character, peace of mind and essential purpose. Many of these signature collectors are being paid to get you to put your name and address on their petiton. Please don’t sign away our residental neighborhoods. Please don’t sign their petition.

You need to know that your neighborhood could be next. Please consider that before signing anything.

Peggy Fuller

South Portland