It’s my opinion, and no doubt that of a plurality, if not a majority of other Americans, that President Trump has reached a point where his public statements, policy proposals and decision-making on numerous domestic and international issues are jeopardizing the United Staes of America’s relationships with its international allies and with the world community at large. Furthermore, his actions embolden our enemies as they increasingly perceive that our system of government has no effective mechanisms to control President Trump’s inane, inconsistent, frightful, hateful and thoroughly wrongheaded statements and actions.
Currently, the Republican Party holds both the Senate and the House. Therefore, I strongly urge Republicans in Congress to initiate a bipartisan congressional effort with the goal of publicly calling the president out with respect to the inevitable future outrageous statements he will make and the continuous reckless behaviors he will surely continue to demonstrate. I also request that Congress formulates, brings to the floor and passes legislation that constitutionally invokes any of Congress’s powers that can be used to restrict his ability to place this nation at further risk.
As for me, a Republican all of my adult life, I will, for the good of my country, work vigorously and endlessly to bring about change in the forthcoming 2018 and 2020 elections. I have great respect for the small number of moderate Republicans remaining in both houses of Congress. But they must lead us out of this nightmare whether or not in future elections their leadership and courage on this matter, for which we are all so desperately await, has the ultimate effect of lost Republican seats in either or both legislative bodies. I do not wish for nor do I seek a radical, liberal left representation in Congress, but at the same token I will vigorously oppose all radical conservative right-wing candidates for office whether these be at the local, state or federal level.
Please do something!
John Ross
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