I’m the mother of one of the young people who died tragically in the Noyes Street fire on Nov. 1, 2014. I’m writing to say what I have wanted to say for three years and nine months.

I will never be able to forget that day. My daughter Nicole (Nikki) Lyn Finlay died along with David Bragdon Jr., Ashley Thomas, Christopher Conlee, Maelisha Jackson and Steven Summers.

I want to thank all the people and organizations that have supported us through this terrible and trying time.

I have been waiting all this time for the city of Portland to put a permanent memorial in remembrance of the young people who died that day. The city could put this near the sidewalk where the house was, and where a new house is going up.

The city has the power to take some land by eminent domain, easement or right of way so it could place some type of memorial stone with a plaque, perhaps with a small garden, benches or a fountain.

This should have been done at the second anniversary of the fire in 2016.


The new property owners said they want to do some sort of memorial but they really shouldn’t have to do this on their private property. I think the memorial should be in a public space so people would feel comfortable going there. I can’t understand why the city hasn’t done this already. There are memorials all over the city commemorating other events

This tragedy should never be forgotten, so that this never happens again. It is now part of the history of the city of Portland. It’s hard for me to say that but, it is true. All of these young people deserve at least this much.

I’m also still waiting for the Maine Supreme Court to make a decision about whether the landlord of 20-24 Noyes St., Gregory Nisbet should get relief from the small sentence he received for the misdemeanor fire and safety code violations of which he was convicted. For all of us who lost our loved ones in the fire, this is so frustrating.

The city should do the right thing regarding the memorial in memory of all the young people that lost their lives on Nov. 1, 2014.

I will always grieve my daughter’s death. I have been very careful to not say anything for so long. This needed to be said.

Lisa LeConte Mazziotti


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