Evidently Mr. Saulnier and company are continuing with their antics. I just read two newspaper articles that blame the Saco River Corridor Commission for delaying The Waters Project at Saco’s Factory Island. (Portland Press Herald and Journal Tribune articles dated July 26, 2018).
Understandably, the Commission is faithfully doing the job that the Maine legislature instituted them to do; that is to seriously consider all matters dealing with the Saco River corridor, and to ensure that development doesn’t adversely affect the ecology of the river and all life along its banks. The actions (unauthorized removal of vegetation and trees on the island despite the known presence of toxins at the site) combined with the deceptive tactics of the developer and others associated with this project do not demonstrate the least amount of concern in that regard.
Mr. Saulnier and company continue to suppress the concerns that the Commission and others have about the impacts and implications associated with this project. Their use of biased, misleading and nonfactual information aims to paint a rosey picture for the local communities while concealing those concerns from the general public. Those concerns include (1) the over-reaching span of the project’s two marinas’ boat docks and slips, and (2) how the increased boat traffic will impact the three endangered fish species known to be present in and pass through the Saco estuary, as well as abutting properties along the estuary. (3) Very little mention is being made of the coal ash and the buried toxic waste from a tannery that once operated in the mills complex. (4) Misrepresentation of the dimensions (especially the height) of the buildings (at the site visit on Tuesday July 24, 2018). Etc.
It is highly irresponsible of Mr. Saulnier and company, or any city official(s) to expect the Commission to provide permitting without sufficiently scrutinizing this project as it’s so profoundly associated with the most critical parts of the Saco River, its head-of-tide and estuary. To cast this negative light on the Commission is further evidence of the level of disregard those associated with this project have for the environment and for those whose responsibility it is to protect it. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that this project isn’t about improving the local communities – the reality is that revenue is the bottom line.
It will be interesting to hear what abutting property owners will have to say about increased boat traffic, erosion of their property, noise, trash and debris accumulation, etc.
SSRA commends the Commission for its diligence in following due process and responsibly weighing all of the potential impacts to the Saco estuary, the river as a whole and the local communities. We stand with the Commission in its work to protect the Saco.
Rick LaRiviere
President, Saco Salmon Restoration Alliance
Biddeford/Saco, Maine
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