Once again, members of this administration have shown me just how naive I am. Now they are attacking breastfeeding, the safest, healthiest, most economical way of nurturing an infant.

All medical societies endorse exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. A 2016 study in the medical journal The Lancet found that universal breastfeeding would yearly prevent the deaths of 800,000 children and yield $300 billion in savings from reduced health care costs and improved economic outcomes.

However, at the recent World Health Assembly, the U.S. delegation refused to support a resolution to encourage this practice and went as far as to threaten trade sanctions and withdrawal of aid, including contributions to the World Health Organization.

This and other recent actions again show that this administration has only the interests of corporations and the wealthy on its agenda.

Rather than “drain the swamp,” Donald Trump has enlarged it. Next will likely be attacks on Social Security and Medicare to pay for the recent obscene tax cuts that only benefit the wealthy and corporations.

Stephen Sokol
