ORLANDO, Fla. — And so George Zimmerman says he is $2.5 million in debt and has no income.

Awwww. Can you see my crocodile tears streaming down your smartphone or computer?

It seems to me that karma is dealing with Mr. Zimmerman, nature’s way of righting a wrong.

Zimmerman got a hall pass on the night of Feb. 26, 2012, when he confronted Trayvon Martin, a black teenager who had no gun and wasn’t looking for trouble. But Zimmerman most certainly seemed to be in his pretentious role of community watchdog.

We all know what happened next: Martin died following a confrontation with Zimmerman. A jury found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder in the summer of 2013.

Zimmerman, by many accounts, won the legal lottery that day. The verdict was right from a legal standpoint. But not so much when it came to moral standards, and a tragedy escalated by Zimmerman’s actions.


A long list of contentious dustups and confrontations since that hearing leaves most folks thinking two things:

Zimmerman is a damaged human being. Flawed at best, deplorable at his worst. Maybe both.

It leads us to this: Zimmerman stands accused of sending threatening messages to private investigator Dennis Warren, who had contacted him about a documentary series on Trayvon Martin produced by rapper Jay Z.

Zimmerman is trying to beat the rap by filing a not-guilty plea and requesting a jury trial.

But he claims to be broke, which is why he will be represented by the Public Defender’s Office.

But hey, didn’t Zimmerman profit off this tragedy, auctioning off the gun he used to kill Martin? He made a nice chunk of cheese, $250,000 from that transaction in 2016.


What about the money he made from selling his paintings of the Confederate battle flag in 2015?

“I painted the Confederate flag backed by the American flag because I believe that anything can stand with the American flag behind it,” he said at the time. “My Confederate flag painting also represents the hypocrisy of political correctness that is plaguing this nation.”

He must have “political correctness” confused with anyone who might have a smidge of human decency and not buying his racist propaganda.

I also humbly suggest to Zimmerman that in addition to legal representation, he find himself a good financial planner.

Are they available pro bono in prison? Asking for a friend.


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