When I drive around South Portland and see signs promoting Democrat Richard Rottkov as the next District 32 state representative, I am consoled, in such contentious times, that a thoughtful person is willing to enter the fray that is government. I’ve watched too many news programs with our governor scolding citizens for failure to see things his way. Recently, Maine was embarrassed by a political candidate who defamed a student who survived the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. The mayor of Waterville also made a mean-spirited comment to another student survivor of that tragedy.

Public discourse isn’t what it used to be. South Portland and Cape Elizabeth would be lucky to have Richard Rottkov’s rational and humane voice in the Legislature.

His involvement with the South Portland Land Trust, Trails Advisory Group and high school sports booster clubs shows he is steeped in the life of his community. If someone tries to denigrate his candidacy by saying he’s “from away,” I’d say we can count on him to stay away from the vitriol and ad hominem attacks characteristic of too many contemporary politicians.

A vote for Richard is a vote for civility and competence, two qualities in short supply. Please vote for Richard Rottkov in the June 12 Democratic primary.

Kevin Sweeney

South Portland