Lucas St. Clair is our best choice for U.S. Congress from Maine’s 2nd District with all its diverse peoples, climates and economies. Here’s why.

We need someone who has lived in both rural and urban Maine, someone who understands the issues of each region.

Lucas St. Clair has come up with intelligent and innovative solutions to propose in Congress. Fortunately, he has traveled extensively, as befits someone who will, as a member of Congress, be making decisions with worldwide consequences.

Lucas St. Clair is a kind man who wants to help create a better world for his and your children. He is experienced in negotiating, as we saw with the creation of the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. We saw his persistence and determination – qualities that will serve him well in Congress.

Lucas St. Clair will work to get financial help for Maine people’s small businesses, home gardens and farms so we can feed ourselves here in Maine

Many of Maine’s natural resources are now extracted by foreign corporations; Lucas St. Clair has promised to look into ways to meet the needs of Maine’s people with Maine’s resources before too many of our natural resources are stripped and shipped away.


Lucas St. Clair understands that worldwide climate chaos is upon us. He has intelligent ideas on how to moderate climate change, and will work hard in Congress to put them into effect. He knows there is no more critical issue today.

Lucas St. Clair is a serious, honest and brave individual whom I would trust to do what’s right for the people, not the moneymen, in Washington, D.C. Please cast your vote for Lucas St. Clair in the June 12 Democratic primary.

Nancy Oden
