In the upcoming election, voters have a unique opportunity to choose a governor who will build the kind of future that Mainers deserve. I see that future as one in which Maine no longer lags the country and New England when it comes to job creation, household income and economic growth. It’s also a future in which the best and the brightest choose to build their lives and their businesses in Maine – whether they were born in Mexico, Maine, or Mexico City.

That’s a tall order, but Adam Cote is up to the task.

At his core, Adam is a builder who takes on challenges and gets things done. Whether on combat tours in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan or over 16 years as an entrepreneur and an attorney, his leadership has been put to the test. He’s not about empty promises or happy talk – he’s about setting a vision and executing on it by investing in infrastructure, education, workforce training and innovative industries like clean energy. That’s what’s going to build the economy of the next five, 10 and even 50 years.

How do I know that Adam is the right leader for Maine? Like Adam, I was born in Sanford and graduated from Sanford High School. After leaving Maine at the age of 18 and embarking on a career as venture capitalist and entrepreneur, I’ve learned why some leaders succeed where others fail. I’m convinced that Adam has what it takes to succeed. I also know that he’s running for office for exactly the right reason – to make a difference for the state he loves. Find out for yourself at, and vote for Adam Cote in the June 12 Democratic primary.

Patrick J. McGinnis

New York