On June 12, we will have an opportunity to help shape Maine’s future. The Maine primary elections will narrow the field from what seems to be dozens of candidates for governor down to something more manageable.

I personally know several of the candidates. There is one who stands out to me.

Janet Mills, the state’s Democratic attorney general, has been active in serving Maine for many years. So has her family, for three generations. Her brother Peter Mills served in the state Legislature for 16 years and has run for governor as a Republican. Her sister, Dora Anne Mills, was the state public health director for many years. Can you imagine the Thanksgiving dinner discussions?

Janet will be viewed as too liberal by some. Others see her as not liberal enough. In other words, she is a great candidate for the increasingly divided politics of today.

If you don’t know anything about Janet – other than her fights with Gov. LePage – please take the time to look at her history of service to the state. In fact, look at her family’s history of service to our state. You can count on Janet being willing to listen to opposing views. Listening is a skill that seems very lacking in politics today, especially on the national level. We need more politicians who have the skill and strength to actually listen to other views.

You will never find a candidate who will, honestly, agree with everything you want. Don’t you want to elect someone who will at least listen and hear you out? Someone who will be strong enough to actually deal with you honestly?

Steve Lovejoy
