
The 2018 Sanford Project Graduation Committee has been working extremely hard this year raising funds to provide the graduating senior class with a fun, chem-free night after graduation. We began our fundraising season before school even started. We met in August to brainstorm ideas; set fundraising dates so we didn’t interfere with other sports, groups, or committee fundraising efforts; choose venue options to hold the event so the senior class could pick which option sounded best for them; and set a fundraising goal to pay for their decision.

You may have seen some of our fundraising efforts around town. We ‘flocked’ unsuspecting residents, held a Powder Puff football game, sold ‘Fund Your Fun’ raffle tickets, did a polar plunge – which we combined efforts with college students who were raising money for The Dempsey Challenge, just drew our final April Calendar Raffle winner, held the Spartan Sprint 5K race, and we are gearing up for our final fundraiser of the season – Vicki Monroe spiritual messenger, being held on May 11. While these were our larger fundraisers, we also held other events such as movie night out, a couple of dining with a purpose nights, mailed fundraising letters to local businesses, even sweetened your kids with cotton candy sold at our home football games.

We would like to extend the biggest Thank You we possibly can. Because of the generosity of many, we not only surpassed our first goal – but made it to our third goal!! This could not have been done without the efforts of the parents of our seniors; everyone that donated food, drinks, prizes, and gifts; and our community and families that supported our efforts to help us reach our goal. It is humbling to know how much our community came together to support our students. 

Congratulations and good luck in your future Sanford Class of 2018!

The 2018 Sanford Project Graduation Committee


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