In this country, climate change has been making headlines for all of the wrong reasons. Its effects are being seen in the collapse of the Maine shrimp fishery and in historic wildfires that struck much of the western part of the country last year.

The federal government is moving backward on this issue, pulling out of the Paris climate accord, opening the East Coast of the U.S. to oil drilling and fast-tracking new pipeline projects. But at the state level, we have an opportunity to take action, thanks to the hard work of children and teens, who are likely to be hit hardest by the climate crisis in their lifetimes.

On May 15 in Augusta, Maine voters and young people have an opportunity to talk to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection about regulating greenhouse gases. The DEP is holding a hearing to discuss regulations proposed by a citizen petition. The petition, submitted in January by the Maine Climate Protectors on behalf of over 600 voters, asks the DEP to act on a Maine statute authorizing it to reduce the state’s greenhouse-gas emissions to a safe level.

The hearing will be held in the DEP Response Training Room, 4 Blossom Lane, Augusta, on May 15 at 1 p.m.

You can contact the Maine Climate Protectors at maine-climate- to coordinate rides and statements, and to get word of future actions. Written comments on regulating greenhouse gases in Maine may also be submitted to the DEP on their website through June 29.

Mako Bates
