Let me start by saying that I served in the US Army from 1964-1967 and in Vietnam from 1966-1967, and I am a strong supporter of the second amendment. That being said there is a reason why we as a nation cannot come to some logical, sensible solution to the gun debate which both sides could support.
We are a bitterly divided nation that talks at, talks over and refuses to admit that the other side of the debate may actually have some valid points. As long as this situation persists, nothing will ever get done.
Those of us who are moderate in our beliefs hold to the fact that the second amendment allows us the right to self-defense. With a firearm, a 5 foot, 100-pound woman can hold off a 6 foot 3, 210-pound attacker. That is her right under the second amendment and as an American.
The Second Amendment also allows those that believe in hunting the right to engage in that activity. Both of these are valid points. However, those on the other side of the gun debate also have a number of valid points.
The belief in absolute background checks not only for all gun sales through license dealers but also between private parties. No one who is a felon or who has a mental illness that makes them a danger to themselves or others should have access to a gun. These two beliefs can be supported by both sides of the gun debate. Beyond these universally agreed upon positions, the left also holds the belief that weapons that were created for war have no place on our city streets nor in the hands of civilians. We will come back to that belief in a moment.
So far we have two ideas that both sides can agree upon; universal background checks, and that those who are felons or who are mentally unstable should not have guns. Those on the left can also agree to the first two points by those that support the second amendment; the right to self-defense and the right to hunt. Now we have four points both sides can agree to. Before we get to the solution to the gun debate, let us take a look at assault weapons.
Assault weapons were made for war and to inflict the maximum damage to the human body. There is only one difference between the assault weapons the military has and the ones sold to civilians. The military version has full and select automatic fire. This function was removed so the weapon could be sold to civilians since it is unlawful for a civilian to own an automatic weapon. So whether military or civilian models, these are weapons of war. Less than 0.5 percent of gun owners hunt with an AR-15 or another type of assault weapon, regardless of the myriad voices that yell, “that’s what I use mine for.”
This brings us to the reason for this letter. I will put forth a logical, sensible solution to the gun debate. Will everyone agree to it, probably not? But I believe a lot more will. If the vast majority can accept a compromise , it just might stand a chance of becoming a law that we can all live with. So here is my solution to this problem.
First we enact mandatory universal background checks by licensed dealers and between all private parties. This includes all guns that are handed down to ones, relatives and friends, All American citizens can own as many revolvers, pistols, whose magazines do not extend beyond the bottom of the pistol grip that they want. Any 30/30, 30/06, 22 bolt action, lever action, tube fed, clip fed rifle or one that uses a five-round magazine. Any type of shotgun with the exception of a barrel fed shotgun will also be allowed. That takes care of the right to self-defense and the right to hunt.
Any weapon that takes a magazine of more than 5 rounds or is barrel or belt fed will henceforth be classified as an assault weapon. This does away with the necessity of describing various elements of the firearm such as pistol grips, flash suppressors, etc. Any assault weapon would be illegal for a civilian to own or possess.
All civilians who currently have an assault weapon will have one year, from the time the bill is signed into law to turn in each and every assault weapon they own. Upon turning in an assault weapon they shall be given a voucher for $750 for each and every one. After one year, the mere possession of an assault weapon shall have a mandatory prison sentence of 15 years with no parole. The only exceptions will be active duty military, national guard and law enforcement personnel.
Will this prevent all mass shootings? No it won’t. But it will lessen the body count the next time someone decides they want to kill a number of people.
It is my hope that this will be the catalyst to a level headed discussion of gun control without the raised voices that have so far defined the gun control debate.
Richard Piszczek is retired and lives in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
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