We are writing to share our support for the qualified and competent Scarborough Board of Education members and to urge Scarborough citizens to vote “no” in the recall election May 8.

These board members (Donna Beeley, Cari Lyford and Jodi Shea) are dedicated to making decisions based on the best interests of all Scarborough students. Using a recall to attempt to solve dissenting opinions in the town and the district is not the correct path to strengthen our schools and is not the precedent Scarborough should set.

Please consider the following repercussions if the recall passes:

* Come November, we would have two board members with one year of experience and five inexperienced members. Performing the duties of the Board of Education effectively and competently in that environment will be challenging. Also, what and who will make the new Board of Education so much better?

Finding people to run for the Board of Education will become much harder. It is already a thankless job. Who will want to take the risk?

Thousands of dollars would be spent if the new board chose to end the superintendent’s contract, not to mention the costs of finding a replacement. The pool of applicants that Scarborough could attract after such vitriol would be minimal at best.


The three targeted Board of Education members are indeed competent, so let’s let the democratic process proceed as it should. Scarborough citizens can vote and/or run for the two new board openings in November. We would still have experience on the board, and we would have some fresh voices as well. The Board of Education members do not deserve to be caught in the middle of this chaos.

Please vote “no” on May 8 to send the message that this is not the way to solve disagreements. Thank you for your consideration.

Debra Bunce


Jennifer Swalla
