Portland Symphony Orchestra outgoing conductor Robert Moody began his farewell tour Tuesday night at One Longfellow Square in Portland, where he was interviewed in front of an audience as part of the MaineVoices Live series, presented by the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. Allan Kozinn, the newspaper’s classical music critic, hosted the hour-long conversation.

Robert Moody concludes his run as music director of the Portland Symphony on May 1.

Moody discussed his musical philosophies and shared stories of his time in Portland, recalling his first days as music director a decade ago when he and the orchestra’s management team worked to pull the orchestra from out of a financial quandary. He also talked about classical music in general, the role of pops concerts and his support of contemporary composers.

Moody is leaving Portland to concentrate on his duties at music director at the Memphis Symphony Orchestra. He conducts his final performances as music director in Portland at 2:30 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Merrill Auditorium. Beginning at 6:30 p.m. Monday, the orchestra is hosting a farewell party for Moody at Aura nightclub in Portland.

A video of Tuesday night’s event can be accessed here.

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