We have much to fear.

Our president has demonstrated he has the morality of a barnyard rooster, the maturity of a child, the intellectual honesty of a self-indulged narcissist and the emotional stability of a playground bully.

It is so sad, but all too true, that the president of the United States of America has such an immoral, disgraceful personal and professional history that, if he were not the president, he could not obtain an FBI clearance to serve lunch in the White House.

Our president continues every day to lower the bar for the integrity of the office and further embarrass our entire country in the eyes of our allies and adversaries alike.

It is a sad time for our country and, I believe, increasingly dangerous as the president further ignores his staff and advisers. President Trump is getting more and more desperate as his Don Quixote world is closing in on him. We have much to fear.

Ronald Carey
