One and a half million children die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases. This is because one in five children in the world still lacks access to the basic childhood vaccines we take for granted here in the United States. This is a problem with a solution – so we must act.

Great strides have been made over the last decade to give more families access to immunizations for their children. Worldwide, the measles vaccine alone prevented an estimated 20.3 million deaths from 2000 to 2015, a 79 percent reduction. We cannot stop now and lose the significant gains we’ve made.

In addition to the moral and humanitarian impact, giving children around the world access to immunizations strengthens global and national security. In today’s interconnected world, these deadly diseases don’t stop at borders, as demonstrated by recent measles outbreaks.

Immunizations are also an outstanding fiscal investment: Researchers have found that every $1 spent on childhood immunizations provides $44 in returns. That includes saving money that families lose when a child is sick and a parent can’t work.

The United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign is asking U.S. lawmakers to help reduce vaccine-preventable childhood deaths around the world by providing adequate funding for global vaccine programs.

Call U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree’s office and ask them to strengthen and prioritize funding for global vaccine programs through partners such as the United Nations, Gavi (the Vaccine Alliance), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Agency for International Development.

We all have a stake in the outcome, and parents around the world will sleep more soundly knowing their children are protected.

Ashley Daigle
