I am supporting Janet Mills for the Democratic nomination for governor. She knows how to address Maine’s health issues and get things done.

First, Janet is a strong supporter of expanding Medicaid (MaineCare) to not only provide access to health care for 70,000 low-income Mainers, but also to leverage federal dollars that will help stabilize Maine’s rural hospitals and community health centers and help improve our economy.

Medicaid expansion is also the single most important strategy to address the opioid epidemic because it will improve access to addiction treatment. As attorney general, the first battle Janet fought with Paul LePage was his attempt to kick thousands of low-income children off Medicaid. She fought, and she won.

Second, Janet has the experience we need to tackle the opioid crisis. Despite Gov. LePage’s stalling on implementing effective strategies, Janet got things done as attorney general. Janet used settlement funds to purchase naloxone (Narcan) and distributed it to law enforcement agencies. So far, over 350 lives have been saved.

Janet also worked with the U.S. attorney and the Maine commissioner of public safety to convene three task forces from different sectors that developed recommendations, some of which have been implemented, and some that are ready for implementation with a new governor. Janet’s comprehensive 10-point plan to address Maine’s deadly opioid epidemic is the best of any candidate.

Janet has a successful track record of working with people from different sectors and getting things done for all of Maine. That’s why I am supporting Janet Mills for governor.

Mylan Cohen, M.D., MPH

Cape Elizabeth