As you have probably heard, students around the nation recently walked out of schools for 17 minutes to honor the 17 students and staff killed in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Now, California high school student Brandon Gillespie is organizing a 17-minute walkout this Wednesday at 10 a.m. to “honor all the lives of the millions of aborted babies every year.” Every day in our country, nearly 2,000 babies are murdered through abortion. The deaths of the 17 students in Florida are tragic and never should have happened. Tragically, the answer to the question “Am I next?” is “yes” for 1,788 children who will never have the chance to live outside the womb of their mother.

Will you join students as we stand for life, as we use our voice to speak for those who have no voice? Will you join us as we say “No more” to the slaughter of innocent babies all over our country? All human beings are created in the image of our Creator God at the moment of conception and deserve the right to life without fear of being murdered.

Please share the message as we cry out to our fellow countrymen, “No more!” I ask that you share this message far and wide and encourage students to walk out Wednesday to show the country that we will use our voice to protect the voiceless!

Virginia Cowperthwaite

age 14
