As we’ve watched and participated in the March for Our Lives movement, we’ve been impressed at the courage and integrity of the young people who spearheaded this effort after the Parkland, Florida, school shooting. Perhaps this is the turning point many of us have been seeking, as we’ve experienced these mass shooting events repeated around the country.

The response of these young people is visceral, and a reaction to the very real threat of violence to them personally, as well as to their communities. They are saying “Enough is enough” and “Wake up, we’re all at risk if nothing is done!”

No less a threat, but perceived as less imminent, is the reality of climate disruption that we are experiencing, directly in many communities and indirectly in others. Unlike a school, nightclub or country music concert shooter, climate disruption doesn’t randomly take out a few or dozens of people, and then either eliminate itself or be “taken out” by officials with similar weapons, only to be repeated in another form at another location. It is, however, equally indiscriminate in where it hits, and who it hurts.

Like the March for Our Lives gun violence issue, we need an equally urgent movement to demand protection of our basic life support systems before it’s too late. As banning assault weapons is to the “March …” movement, implementing carbon fee and dividend is to addressing climate disruption.

The loss of our predictable growing seasons, the loss of habitat and the increase in severe weather, disease and pests are all – and should be – visceral issues. Let’s treat them as such and agree that “enough is enough” regarding this issue. Urge your elected representatives locally and nationally to step up to this challenge. Do it yourself, too. For information on how, see

Margaret Pelletier-Bartenhagen
