In your April 4 editorial, “Our View: Building named for racist scientist doesn’t reflect University of Maine’s values,” you argue that the name of Clarence Cook Little should be removed from a building because of his views on eugenics, population, immigration and smoking. As you mention, at the University of Maine he also built Memorial Gymnasium, Field House and Stevens Hall, started “Freshman Week” orientation and founded what was later called The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor.

Similar things might be said about George Washington, who owned slaves; he stipulated in his will that they be freed following the death of his widow. There are 127 places named after him in the United States, according to the Census Bureau, including Washington, D.C., and Mount Washington in New Hampshire. Your logic would apparently dictate that each of these places be renamed.

Looking to the future, who knows what values future generations might hold? Perhaps they will abhor owning an automobile, flying in an airplane and eating meat, actions that contribute to global warming. Should any building or other place that is named after someone in the present who engages in such behavior then be renamed?

Obviously Mount Washington should keep its name, and the USS Gabrielle Giffords should keep its name. Otherwise, there will be no one left to lend his or her name to any city, state, mountain, building or ship.

William Vaughan Jr.

Chebeague Island