As an active member of Portland’s performing arts community, I want to thank the Portland Press Herald for giving front-page coverage of the upcoming Bach festivals (“Artistic differences lead to dueling Bach festivals,” Feb. 12). It is always refreshing to read about enriching culture and arts opportunities versus the usual daily mayhem.

Portland’s cultural scene continues to grow with offerings for everyone, attracting not only an ever-expanding constellation of top talent in the arts, but people who want to live in a vibrant and stimulating community. The variety and quality of musical offerings, especially, are rivaled only by those in cities such as Boston and New York. The talent that both of the Bach festivals will offer is truly world-class, and what better way to offer their gifts to Portland than through the incredible and timeless works of Johann Sebastian Bach!

For those who just can’t wait and want a musical “appetizer” before this summer’s “festival feast,” the ChoralArt Singers will be performing Bach’s Mass in B minor with chamber orchestra and a stellar group of guest soloists at Woodfords Congregational Church on March 25.

ChoralArt is dedicated to advancing the tradition of artistic excellence in choral singing and has been doing so in Portland for nearly 50 years with its three ensembles: ChoralArt Singers, ChoralArt Masterworks and ChoralArt Camerata.

For tickets and more information, please visit

Mark G. Johnson

president, ChoralArt
