I am ecstatic that Steve DeAngelis is running for governor of Maine! Just recently, I changed my affiliation to “Democrat” to be able to vote for him in the primaries. Steve DeAngelis is a genuine, committed and compassionate individual, and he is eager to work for the people of Maine.

I have known Steve DeAngelis for 27 years, since he was the adviser assigned to my eldest daughter at Maranacook Community School. For the next six years, he became not only her adviser, but also mentor, confidant, advocate and even employer (she baby-sat his kids). He was like a surrogate parent – my eyes and ears every school day. His respect and unwavering support made such a positive impact on her that years later, she and her fiancé asked Steve to perform their wedding ceremony, as Steve has done for several other former students.

But my daughter was just one of thousands of students whose lives Steve DeAngelis has impacted over the years as physics teacher, adviser and ski coach. He has instilled in them respect, honesty and compassion, because he has embodied those qualities himself. He is a man of integrity, and a man who truly listens.

Steve DeAngelis will be a great governor of Maine because he brings respect, integrity, honesty, positivity and open dialogue to every interaction with every person he deals with. He will bring people together, to listen to each other, to find solutions to the many issues that affect the people of Maine. He will lead us forward.

I’ve never met a more positive or inspiring person than Steve DeAngelis. He inspires everyone around him with his optimism and his energy. I know that with Steve DeAngelis as our next governor, we can get there from here.

Bobbie Mowatt
