PORT CLYDE — A Port Clyde family is frustrated by the response to an oil spill that occurred more than seven weeks ago, when a fuel delivery truck overturned in their driveway, spilling an estimated 1,700 gallons of oil.

“I’m at my boiling point,” Chris Anderson said. “When you think of the DEP, you think they would have your back, but that has not happened.”

The spill occurred on the afternoon of Dec. 18, when a nearly fully loaded Fabian Oil delivery truck was backing out of the driveway and a tire got off the driveway and rolled down an embankment. A small rock punctured the tanker and approximately 1,700 gallons spilled.

Puddles of oil are still visible throughout the steep, rocky grounds where the spill occurred.

Becki Anderson, whose family home sits on four acres on Glenmere Road, said the oil is making its way down toward a marsh near the ocean.

There remains a strong odor of fuel oil at the spill site.


Maine Department of Environmental Protection oil and hazardous material responder Jeremy Greenman was at the Anderson property Tuesday, Feb. 6, but referred all questions to the insurance representative for Fabian Oil, who was also on scene. Phillipa Stoddard, a geologist hired by the insurance company, declined to comment and referred questions to St. Germain Collins of Westbrook, an engineering and environmental company.

Chris Plante of St. Germain Collins said the spill was a significant one. He said soils will be removed, but winter weather makes it more difficult.

Chris Anderson said he is at a loss to explain, nor has he received explanations for why more has not been done in the past seven weeks to clean up the spill.

“I know they can’t get all the oil, but they should get all they can.” he said.

David R. Madore, spokesman for the DEP, said in an email that Fabian Oil has contracted St. Germain Collins to handle the cleanup.

“Due to the recent thaw and rain events, (spilled oil) resurfaced and the homeowner contacted DEP with concerns. We responded to the homeowner’s concerns and DEP staff has been on site on numerous occasions, including both yesterday and today,” Madore said. “We are monitoring progress and have scheduled a meeting with all the parties involved for later this week to ensure a timely resolution to this issue. “


Anderson said his frustrations began on the first day. He said no one from the company or the DEP contacted the family, but instead a tow truck driver who was hauling out the oil delivery truck contacted his wife’s mother, who then contacted Becki Anderson. When Chris Anderson got back from lobster fishing, there were various people at the home trying to remove the truck.

He has kept a log of his interactions with the DEP, St. Germain Collins and the insurance company over the past two months.

He said there was no cleanup on the first night, other than a few absorbent pads being put down on the ground. A piece of machinery that can remove contaminated soil was supposed to arrive the next day, but he said the DEP diverted that truck to another spill.

Carbon filters were installed Dec. 22 to protect the water coming into the home, he said. The well is located about 40 feet uphill from where the spill occurred, but it goes down 200 feet.

Becki Anderson said the DEP has said it will test their water every four to six weeks. She said she is concerned that the oil will pollute the groundwater and affect not just her family’s well, but nearby ones as well.

Chris Anderson said he exchanged texts with DEP and St. Germain over the next few weeks after the spill. He said they told him the lack of a more immediate response was because of the holidays.


A vacuum truck to remove some of the soil has been promised on multiple occasions, but other than one time on Jan. 25, the truck has not arrived. He said he has been told the vehicle broke down the other times. The truck was supposed to be there Tuesday, Feb. 6, but by afternoon, Becki Anderson said again they had been told the truck will not be there.

Chris Anderson said the pending snowstorm will again delay cleanup.

“This is unacceptable,” he said.

Plante from St. Germain Collins said there was no timetable for the cleanup, but that there would be a meeting with all parties to map out a strategy.