GARDINER — The James A. Bragoli Memorial Gym at Gardiner Area High School was heavily damaged by the storm Monday when part of the roof and ventilation system was ripped up by the wind.

The rubber-like membrane of the roof of the high school was blown off about a third of the gym, ripping up a large piece of the ventilation system with it and falling back down on the remaining roof. That left a roughly 5-by-5 foot gaping hole in the roof, through which torrential rains poured in, covering the floor in about 2 inches of water.

The damage likely occurred around 6 a.m., according to Gabe Dostie, director of operations for School Administrative District 11, which canceled classes for the day Monday.

“The water was coming down inside just as fast as it was falling outside,” Dostie said.

Flashing from the edge of the roof was also removed by the wind, leaving a several inch gap between the roof and wall on one side of the brick building.

Water got onto the gym floor, walls, bleachers and some of the sports banners that hang on the walls.


By early afternoon a trash can that had been used to collect water falling into the gym had more than a foot of water in it.

Principal Chad Kempton said the gym will need to be checked out by an engineer to see if its structural integrity was compromised by the damage. He said the gym will be off-limits in the meantime. He said whatever the fix is, it isn’t likely to be something that can be done in just two or three weeks.

Dostie said roofers from G & E Roofing were called but it was too windy for them to go up on the roof Monday. They plan to check out the roof to better assess the damage Tuesday. Dostie said the roof may have to be replaced entirely.

Dostie and others worked to remove water from the gym floor to try to save the floor from water damage.

Keith Edwards — 621-5647

Twitter: @kedwardskj

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