South Portland police are urging residents of the city’s east end to lock their doors after investigating several burglaries that occurred in broad daylight.

Over the past four weeks, there have been seven burglaries of homes in neighborhoods bordered by Highland Avenue, Elm and Mussey streets, the police said in a Facebook post Wednesday. The police also issued alerts via recorded messages sent to residents’ land lines.

“In most of these cases the suspect enters the home via an unlocked door in broad daylight. Jewelry, cash and precious metals seem to be the items targeted,” the Facebook post states. “The police department is urging residents to lock their doors when leaving in the morning to go to work, school, the gym etc.”

Residents are also being advised to lock valuable items in personal safes and to photograph valuables in case they are stolen. Police can use the photographs to identify stolen items that are recovered.

Residents should contact the non-emergency police telephone line (874-8575) if they notice anyone suspicious in their neighborhood.

“If we stay vigilant and help look out for each other we will catch this guy,” the police Facebook message said.

Dennis Hoey can be contacted at 791-6365 or at: