CHEBEAGUE ISLAND — Voters will elect a new selectman and a new school board member on June 13.

The seats are for three-year terms, and only one candidate is running for each seat, according to town officials.

Herb Maine is running for selectman, aiming to fill the seat held by incumbent Nelson Stevens. Courtney Doughty is running for the School Board seat now held by Beverly Johnson.

Any other candidate who wants to run will have to do so by write-in ballot, Town Clerk Gloria J. Brown said.

A state referendum question also is on the ballot. Question 1 asks if voters favor approval of a $50 million bond for job creation and economic preservation.

Most of the bond – $45 million – would be used for technology and infrastructure improvements. The remaining $5 million would be earmarked “for lending to or investing in small businesses with the potential for significant growth and strong job creation.”

Financing of the bond will add nearly $14  million in interest, for a total bond request approaching $64 million.

Chebeague voters will cast ballots on the referendum question and town election from 8 a.m-8 p.m. at the Chebeague Island Hall Community Center.

Lisa D. Connell can be reached at 781-3661, ext. 183 or Follow Lisa on Twitter: @connell_ld.

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