David Rockefeller, the billionaire philanthropist who gave generously of his time and wealth to help preserve Maine’s natural beauty during his long life, has left over $25 million to Maine institutions.

Rockefeller, who died March 20 at 101, left $20 million to the Land and Garden Preserve of Mount Desert Island in Seal Harbor, as well as money and property to several other Maine groups, Forbes reported last week. He left $5 million to the Maine Coast Heritage Trust and pieces of sculpture and art to the Land and Garden Preserve. He left tiny Buckle Island, off Mount Desert Island, to his daughter Eileen. He gave his children first dibs on buying his $9 million Seal Harbor estate.

Forbes also reported that Rockefeller’s will specified that an Andrew Wyeth painting, “River Cove,” be given to the Portland Museum of Art. But that donation was announced in 2016. It was given by Rockefeller in memory of his son, Richard, who lived in Falmouth until his death in 2014.

The Land and Garden Preserve of Mount Desert Island works to protect gardens and natural areas on Mount Desert Island, where Acadia National Park is and where Rockefeller’s family has vacationed for generations. Rockefeller was the son of philanthropist John D. Rockefeller Jr., who donated 11,000 acres to help create Acadia and who oversaw the creation of 45 miles of carriage roads there.

Rockefeller led a campaign in the 1990s to repair those roads. Until last year, he continued to be involved in Maine land preservation, serving as chairman of a Friends of Acadia campaign that raised $25 million for future park maintenance. In 2015, to celebrate his 100th birthday, Rockefeller donated 1,000 acres near Acadia to the Land and Garden Preserve.

Rockefeller was a former chief executive at Chase Manhattan bank and his net worth was estimated at over $3 billion. Other bequests in his will included $125 million to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, $109 million to the president and fellows of Harvard University, and $250 million or the balance of his estate to fund the creation of the David Rockefeller Global Development Fund, which will finance projects on health, poverty and sustainable development.

Ray Routhier can be contacted at 210-1183 or at:


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