Maine Sen. Susan Collins met with President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday in Washington.

Collins was full of praise after meeting with Neil Gorsuch, adding that while she hadn’t asked him to reiterate his concerns about Trump’s attacks on the judiciary, “I am confident that Judge Gorsuch could be, will be, an independent judge.”

Following their meeting, Collins issued this statement:

“My more than hour-long meeting with Judge Gorsuch this morning confirmed for me what many on both sides of the aisle and those who know him well have said throughout his distinguished career: Judge Gorsuch is an individual with great integrity and extraordinary intellect who has a deep respect for the law.

“Among the wide variety of issues we discussed, I was struck by three in particular:  First, Judge Gorsuch indicated that he has a high regard for the role and importance of precedent; second, he made it clear that he will be a fierce defender of our independent judiciary; and third, Judge Gorsuch assured me that no one at the White House has asked him to commit to ruling a certain way on any case.

“I was certainly impressed with Judge Gorsuch, and I look forward to his public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.”

The Denver-based appellate judge continued to traverse the corridors of the Senate office buildings across from the Capitol on Thursday, paying courtesy calls to senators while ignoring reporters’ questions.

If confirmed, Gorsuch would fill the vacancy on the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last year.

Collins, a Republican, had met last year with former President Obama’s pick for the seat, Merrick Garland. She had urged her Republican colleagues to give Garland consideration, but Republican leadership decided to block confirmation hearings for Garland and wait until the next president could pick a nominee.

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