I will leave the commentating on the Patriots’ big win yesterday to the sports experts, although I will say that was one of the most exciting games I have ever watched. I will however, comment on tomorrow’s weather. Whether you are remaining in Maine or heading to Boston for the victory parade and rally, the weather looks messy.

Southern New England forecast

The parade begins at 11 a.m. Tuesday and it looks like it will be wet. A warm front, the leading edge of Wednesday’s springlike air, will push northward tomorrow, bringing a period of snow which will end as mixed precipitation here and will be more rainy in southern New England. 

As the precipitation begins tomorrow, Boston itself could see a coating to a slushy inch of snow, but that would be about it. Bring your wet weather gear and warm waterproof clothing for the rain. I expect some light rain during the rally and while it won’t be heavy, it will be very raw and chilly.

Precipitation begins as snow in Boston early Tuesday.

Another messy storm for Maine
The loop below shows precipitation arriving Tuesday and continuing throughout the morning and afternoon. Snow will be the predominant precipitation type at the beginning of the storm, but like so many this winter, a mix will take over for the second part of the weather system.

Snow will spread over southern Maine later Tuesday morning.

Temperatures will be low tomorrow. I expect highs in the 20s, with the snow beginning mid- to late morning in southern Maine and spreading over the area in the afternoon. Look for a dry morning commute but a messy homebound one. 


How much snow?

This isn’t a major snowstorm, but will bring enough to shovel and plow. Portland itself will see between about 2 and 5 inches depending on the exact time of the mixing. 

A light to moderate snowstorm is expected across much of Maine Tuesday into Tuesday night.

Watching an ocean storm

There will be an ocean storm passing to our south Thursday. Right now I just expect some clouds from this system. This is still several days in advance and much can change with regard to the potential. I’ll update that part of the forecast in the coming day or two. Follow my forecast on Twitter @growingwisdom.