I am fortunate to have never been discriminated against – that is, until a couple of weeks ago, when I called InterMed to find a new doctor.

My own doctor, who was probably the greatest doctor in the world, moved away and I was anxious to find another equally as good.

I was told by InterMed that they would not take me because I was on Medicare. I was so taken aback by this information that I quietly said, “Oh, thank you.” I hung up the phone and realized how hurt I was. I even wondered if this is legal – aren’t all older people on Medicare? I had my first encounter with age discrimination.

On Jan. 17, I read in the Portland Press Herald that InterMed has stopped taking patients from an insurer that covers Affordable Care Act patients. I don’t take their attitude as personally now: InterMed has put profits before patients. They will care for their young and middle-aged patients, who can afford high insurance premiums, and the rest of us can eat cake.

Virginia Andrew

Bar Mills