I am very disappointed in Sen. Susan Collins’ vote to start the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act. The ACA has not been perfect, but for her to vote to get repeal underway with no replacement plan in sight is to choose partisan political posturing over the well-being of her Maine constituents. I thank Sen. Angus King for voting against the repeal.

Now that the wheels to repeal the ACA have been officially set in motion, however, I strongly suggest that the only workable, common-sense replacement for the ACA is Medicare for All! We already have single-payer health care in place for America’s seniors. Let’s tweak it, improve it and extend it to all Americans. There is no other replacement option that makes more sense than Medicare for All.

Sens. Collins and King should learn more about the concept of Medicare for All, and use their position of power to advocate for it among their fellow lawmakers. We elect the senators, and they work for us and are supposed to make every decision with the best interests of their constituents at heart.

Sarah English
