The Maine Technology Institute awarded more than $33,000 in funding to seven startups in November, which leveraged more than $37,000 in private financing.

Five of the awards were Tech Start grants, which help a startup with business plan development, intellectual property filings, market analysis or technology transfer activities out of research institutions. The recipients were:

n BlackTieGroup LLC (dba Jellux) of Saco, an advanced marine and outdoor lighting company, which received $5,000 and contributed a match of $7,015.

n SpinDoc Inc. of Augusta, which is developing software to streamline work flow and office processes for health care providers. The company received $4,500 and matched $4,500.

n SteriZign Precision Technologies LLC of Brunswick, which designs and manufactures sterilization containers for reusable medical devices. The company received $5,000 and matched $7,000.

n Sensory Eyesight for Education Inc. of Old Orchard Beach, which designed a therapeutic medical device to help young people see better by building new brain cells around damaged brain tissue. The company received $3,600 and matched $3,800.


n And MechArtisan LLC of Portland, which is developing a surgical device to assist in the positioning of patients for a specific heart surgery procedure. The company received $5,000 and matched $5,000.

MTI also made two Phase 0 awards. This money is used to help startups submit proposals to federal agencies for funding.

n Kennebec River Biosciences Inc. of Richmond received $5,000 and matched $5,069. The aquatic animal health company is proposing to develop a novel approach to improve the health and survival of several key aquaculture marine species.

n SpinDoc received $5,000 and matched $5,000 to help it apply for a National Institutes of Health grant.

“These small, yet foundational, investments will help these Maine companies acquire critically needed information about the economic potential of these innovative concepts and products,” said Brian Whitney, MTI’s president. “Ideally, the research and analysis obtained will allow them to further scale their products and companies for future growth and success.”

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