Old Orchard Beach residents will vote Nov. 8 on four referendum questions that would amend the town charter.

Question 1 addresses the disposal of real and personal property. If approved, the town could sell items using a competitive bid, including use of an auction or brokerage firm, instead of a process using sealed bids. It also requires the town to give 30 days’ public notice before the deadline for items to be sold.

• Question 2 would remove the section of the charter that stipulates a town councilor cannot serve more than seven consecutive years. That term limit went into effect after the 2012 election.

• Question 3 amends the section of the charter that deals with conflicts of interest to add that town councilors must recuse themselves from voting on any increases in the pay or compensation of a relative.

• Question 4 removes the requirement that meeting agendas are printed as a legal advertisement in a newspaper. It would leave in place the requirement that agendas be posted on the town website and on bulletin boards at Town Hall.