Two York County teenagers were charged with burglary after they were found inside a mailbox building in the Lake Arrowhead section of Waterboro Sunday night.

York County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to a building on Old Portland Road that contains mailboxes around 8:30 p.m. after a resident saw teens acting suspiciously around the building and trying to access mailboxes. When deputies arrived, they found mail strewn in the area and discarded clothing, according to Sheriff Bill King.

King said it appeared the building had been entered and, after searching it, Deputies Kevin Collins and Dwayne Fay found two male teenagers inside. They arrested a 16-year-old from Waterboro and 17-year-old from Sanford and charged them with Class C burglary.

The teens, who were not identified because of their ages, were released to the custody of their parents. State juvenile authorities were contacted.

King said the sheriff’s office also will notify federal authorities because most offenses pertaining to tampering with mail fall under federal jurisdiction.

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