I am writing an open letter to the residents and town officials of Scarborough to share my strong concerns of safety within the Pleasant Hill neighborhood. Something has to be done to control the speed and offensive conduct by one of our residents. He has been terrorizing fellow neighbors for years with his dogs attacking others, threatening language and excessive intentional speed targeted at families of young children.

On Aug. 21 around 5 p.m. the man nearly ran down my 2-year-old daughter on Minuteman Drive. He slammed on the brakes then accelerated and slammed on the brakes and accelerated again. He then honked the horn and screamed “Get your filthy, f—ing kids out of the road.” Coincidentally, there were around 20 witnesses of our close friends and family who witnessed this as we were all saying our goodbyes. We were celebrating my son’s fourth birthday. I understand children are “busy” at times, but this is a family-oriented neighborhood. Also, I do not condone anyone speaking profanities at my children, ever. I did call the Scarborough Police Department and they sent an officer to the individual’s home but was unable to speak with the him.

The end result of the incident is that the officer spoke with the man over the phone (not in person) and issued him a warning for disorderly conduct. This warning will be made of public record and sent to the District Attorney’s Office for further consideration.

The next day I went to the police station with my two kids to speak in person with an officer. I spoke in detail about the situation. I voiced concern of our community and the people that live in it. It seemed as though the officer had little concern to the situation at hand as the man who nearly ran over my child is well-known to the SPD.

I also called and emailed another SPD officer who I knew from my own attendance at Scarborough High School. This officer was my school police officer and I knew him well. He reminded me of a speed study conducted on my road in the spring of 2015, and that there is proof putting up “caution” or “slow down signs” is ineffective, and that other streets in our town are of higher concern.

Mark my words this man will end up hurting someone. Why can’t our town protect the residents of this neighborhood? When is enough enough? Yes, I understand kids are rambunctious at times and may not look both ways every single time they are riding their bikes, but that doesn’t give this man a right to swear or lunge his car at them.

I moved here from New York City because I knew from growing up in Scarborough that this is a safe, family-oriented community. Neighbors, please be vigilant and take care when driving through neighborhoods. I share my experience in the hope that we can work together to keep Scarbrough safe.

Amber Hoxha