Members of Maine’s congressional delegation reacted Friday with a familiar tone of sadness and condemnation following the latest act in a seemingly endless string of gun violence in the country.

On Thursday, five police officers were shot and killed in Dallas during a protest over the deaths of two black men killed by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and St. Paul, Minnesota. Several other officers and civilians were wounded in Dallas as well.

U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, in a statement early Friday afternoon, acknowledged both the civilians deaths in Louisiana and Minnesota and the Dallas ambush of police officers, which appeared to be a response.

“This has been a painful week for our country,” she said. “Law enforcement officials in Maine and across our country report for duty every day to keep our families safe, knowing that they may face danger. We are grateful for their bravery and their sacrifice.

“As we mourn these killings in cities across our country, we must find ways to rebuild trust in our communities and work to ensure that all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin, feel protected and safe.”

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting last month, Collins tried to offer bipartisan legislation that would close a loophole that allows those on terrorist watch lists to purchase firearms. Her bill passed in a narrow procedural vote, but it’s final fate is still uncertain.


U.S. Sen. Angus King also highlighted both the shootings by police and the killing of officers before calling on Americans to “summon our better angels to unite.”

“I am heartsick over the horrific incidents that occurred earlier this week in Baton Rouge and St. Paul, which underline the urgent need to address the issue of deadly force frequently directed at African American men. This has to involve law enforcement and government at all levels as well as members of minority communities,” he said in a statement. “But vengeance, such as appears to be the case in Dallas, cannot and must not be part of the solution; violence begets violence and only leads to a downward spiral of hatred, recrimination and division.”

U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree, who represents Maine’s 1st Congressional District, issued a statement calling the Dallas shootings “devastating and heartbreaking.”

“I know all Americans condemn this senseless act of gun violence that shattered a peaceful protest,” Pingree said. “Once again, in the aftermath of another mass shooting, we must recommit ourselves to finding a way to end this cycle of violence. We are a better country than this.”

Pingree, like many Democrats, has supported strengthening gun laws but there has not been enough support in the Republican-led Congress. Last month, Pingree joined several colleagues by staging a protest on the U.S. House floor to call for votes on various gun control measures. The sit-in was well-publicized but it failed to lead to any votes.

Maine’s 2nd District U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin, a Republican who has opposed gun control measures, called the news out of Dallas, “horrific.”


“Our officers across the nation put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect our communities and families,” Poliquin said in a statement. “In this case, they put their lives on the line to protect our citizens’ rights to exercise their free speech. This is truly a sad day in our nation’s history.”

Gov. Paul LePage issued a statement saying: “It is a dark day in our nation. The First Lady and I send our thoughts and prayers to the families of the brave law enforcement officers who lost their lives as they protected others. As Maine grieves with the rest of our nation, we also pray for the wounded.”

“This targeted and hateful attack is the epitome of evil. Our nation is built on a foundation of freedoms not hatred. Times like these determine a nation’s character and as Americans we have a responsibility to uphold our integrity and beliefs through strong leadership. We will not stand for acts of violence of this nature and we as a people will rise up to unite and trust that justice will be served to those who commit such violence against our society.”

“As Maine law enforcement officers from Calais to Kittery mourn for their colleagues, we are keeping in mind our own brave men and women in uniform as they serve and protect. We are grateful for the service you provide our great state and its citizens. This and every day, we want you to make it home safely to your family and loved ones.”