A recent Associated Press article (“Clinton likens Trump to demagogue,” June 8) reports that the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton plans to move forward in casting Donald Trump “as a ruthless con artist who is tricking voters” and other disparaging images, because this is an approach that “Clinton and her aides believe will appeal … to Democrats, independent voters and even some Republicans.”

Some of us have really preferred Bernie Sanders. We’ve liked his message, his record and the dignified start and style he led through the Democratic primary campaign.

I am not remotely interested in shifting gears into a campaign with condescending words and speeches. It seems neither fitting nor wise to insult the other candidate, for with that, one may also be insulting all those who favor him – not exactly a way to win their votes.

It might be well to show some respect for the human dignity of those who have supported Trump. Stooping to ridicule is not going to lead well in the next steps of this journey.

As thousands of people may be considering whether to change candidates, contemptuous tirades have no appeal. They make very bad images.

It would be well to consider telling voters what kind of a president you will be and what you’ll do that would be good for this troubled country.


We recognize the issues – the economy with income and employment urgencies, the wars, people who have too little help for food or health, the environmental future of this world.

Let us have a campaign that debates a convincing plan for progress.

Grace Braley
