769531_19123-Jennifer-ReckmeyerJennifer Reckmeyer joined Cross Insurance as a senior commercial lines account manager.
Reckmeyer has more than 20 years insurance experience at both the agency and company level. She is pursuing her Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter designation.


769531_19123-Vuthi-RoeunVuthi Roeun recently joined the firm’s Portland branch as a claims manager and will assist with insurance placement for large accounts.
Roeun was previously with United Insurance for 12 years.





769531_19123-Megan-HezlepMegan Hezlep joined the firm as a personal lines producer. Hezlep has more than five years experience in the insurance business. She previously worked for a smaller agency.



769531_19123-Shane-RileyShane Riley was hired as a personal lines account manager. He started in the insurance industry in 2011. He spent the past three years assisting clients with writing new policies and servicing existing policies.




769531_19123-Jessica-ReedJessica Reed joined its Portland branch as a personal lines account manager. She previously worked for Varney Insurance Agency.




769531_19123-Melissa-SousaMelissa Sousa joined the firm as a senior commercial lines account manager.
Sousa has more than 15 years in the insurance industry. She previously worked for Maritime Program Group as manager of recreational marine operations. She holds multiple insurance industry designations and credentials.



769531_19123-Kari-CyrKari Cyr was recently promoted to an assistant personal lines manager. She joined Cross as a personal lines producer in February of this year. Cyr joined the firm with 18 years of personal lines experience.



769531_19123-Kim-PerreaultKim Perreault was promoted to account manager for small business accounts at Cross Insurance. Perreault was previously a team leader for personal lines.