NEW YORK — As the Girl Scouts’ membership continues a sharp decline, its leaders are betting on technology to reverse the trend, including a major expansion of its year-old program enabling Girl Scout cookies to be sold via mobile apps and the girls’ personalized websites.

The Digital Cookie upgrade, announced Tuesday, comes amid persisting challenges for the 103-year-old organization. According to figures provided to The Associated Press, youth membership for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 was 1.88 million, down nearly 6.2 percent from 2014, and adult membership was 784,120, down 3.1 percent.

The total membership – now 2.66 million – is down more than 15 percent over three years, and down 30 percent from a peak of more than 3.8 million in 2003.

The Girl Scouts also are struggling in terms of financial support. The latest compilations by the Chronicle of Philanthropy show that the organization received $103.2 million in private donations in 2014, down from $194.6 million in 2006. Back then, the Girl Scouts ranked 83rd among U.S. charities for such donations; the Chronicle now ranks it 257th.

Some other major youth groups also face revenue and membership declines, due in part to societal trends. However, Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of Girl Scouts of the United States of America, contends that her organization is capable of rebuilding its ranks through technological improvements.

For paid staff and volunteers, these include online toolkits – one streamlining the process for joining the Girl Scouts, another empowering volunteer troop leaders to plan a full year of meetings and activities with a single online visit.


For the girls themselves, Digital Cookie is the flagship initiative.

About 160,000 Girl Scouts participated in the program over the past year, and were credited with selling nearly 2.5 million boxes of cookies beyond those sold through traditional in-person methods. For the coming year, about 90 percent of the parent organization’s 112 regional councils will be engaged in Digital Cookie, and various new features have been added to make it more educational and more fun.

These include on online game called Cookie Booth Bounce to help girls improve decision-making and budgeting skills, and a “Learning to Run a Business” section of the website. Girls also can post their own videos, explaining who they are and what the plans are for their proceeds.

Digital Cookie’s fans include Claire Houston, 18, who spent 13 years with the Girl Scouts in Dutchess County, New York. She’s now a freshman at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, studying computer science and serving as co-coach to a Girl Scout robotics team.

Digital Cookie “is a great way to connect with how the world is changing right now,” she said. “Technology is such a big part of our lives.”