Courageous voices needed

Scarborough Town Council elections are critical this year and before you vote you need to understand who and what you are voting for. Nonsensical approaches to issues continue to divide our town. For example, the consideration of expenditure of $17,000 for parking meters at Higgins Beach. Don’t we have better things to spend our money on?

We need to find new ways to approach old problems if we ever want to move forward. Strong schools and tax relief do not have to be in opposition.

Standing up for what you believe in can be an unpopular view at times and takes courage. But courage is what I believe is needed in our town right now. We also need independent voices. I believe Liam Somers and Mike Turek are those independent and courageous voices and hope you will join me in voting for them on Nov.3!

Phillip LaRou, Jr.



Caiazzo, Rowan for Scarborough Town Council

Why am I supporting Caiazzo and Rowan for the Scarborough Town Council?

I’m a retired business person who spent many years associated with the Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce, involved in numerous public policy issues and discussions. I have always been intrigued with the mindset of some business people I’ve encountered who approach public-sector governing with a very cynical view of elected officials and their decision making.

Likewise, I’m always suspicious of business people who decide to seek elective office because they know “how things should be done” based on their business experience. Having a business background can be valuable as a frame of reference. But it’s not the cure-all. Municipal governance is not necessarily the same as operating in a private-sector environment. We can see examples of it all the time. I have respect for candidates with business backgrounds who approach elective office with an open mind and a strong desire to serve their communities. Nevertheless, I am troubled by some of the Scarborough Town Council candidates who tout their business background yet have demonstrated the cynical views and mindset previously mentioned. Because of their past public statements and interaction with elected officials and town staff, they have demonstrated that they lack the appropriate attitude and/or temperament to govern our town.

Therefore, in my humble opinion, there are only two choices to consider for town councilor, Chris Caiazzo and Robert “Will” Rowan. They have excellent business backgrounds and will take advantage of it, but are not wedded to the “my way or the highway” approach nor tied to agendas that obscure facts and objectivity. I am convinced they will approach the issues with an open mind. They are the only candidates who won’t be agenda-driven, instead they will deal with the facts and not misinformation. They will bring us together, not divide us more.

We live a very desirable community and we deserve these types of individuals to serve as our elected officials. We’ve had too much division in our community in recent years. It’s time for constructive cooperation. Again, please join me in supporting Caiazzo and Rowan.


Roger Beeley


A needed boost

I would like to thank the community for supporting the Scarborough Band Booster’s Annual Electronics Recycling Fundraiser.

In the past two years, we have raised more than $6,000 in cash donations to support the band program at Scarborough schools. These funds help to purchase music, provide for instructional clinics, purchase and repair instruments.

We have scheduled the next eWaste collection event for Saturday, Nov. 14, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Scarborough High School. Please consider making a donation at dropoff, as we receive no monies from the disposal of the electronics.


JoAnne Freeman, president

Scarborough Band Boosters

The right to

be left alone

In response to the Al Diamon column on Planned Parenthood, I’d like to add my 2 cents.

Why was this started as a federal program? Was it back in the day when health care was too expensive for the poor? Now, under ObamaCare, all people should have affordable plans. Since no abortions are paid from government funds, the remaining health questions can be answered by any doctor worth their salt.


The name Planned Parenthood should be dropped into the “buggy whip” file. Any abortions could be done and paid for by whatever means they are now.

This generation truly has no idea of back alley surgery. Desperate women will do desperate things.

My big objection is the Supreme Court opinion that people have free speech rights to force their belief on other people. Slander laws say otherwise. When I walk into a doctor’s office, I have a right to be left alone. In my day, to protest a veteran’s funeral was treason.

Rein in the Supreme Court.

Barbara Callahan

South Portland


Choose carefully

Citizens of Scarborough, please look at each candidate running for Town Council.

The past performance of some town councilors, as well as other town board members, has not brought our town together as a cohesive community! Please consider fresh ideas brought forth by candidates Rowan, Somers, and Turek!

Most importantly, be involved, understand each candidate’s position, and vote what makes sense to you and what will bring our town together as a productive community!

Maureen Burns
