First budget vote

is really Nov. 3

I have a different take on this year’s 2015 election for the Scarborough Town Council.

I believe that this election is actually our first vote for next year’s budget, and we all must be vigilant and careful as to who we elect as the steward of our money.

It is no secret that the way that the current Town Council is comprised, that the Town Council has abdicated its fiduciary responsibility and avoided taking the utmost care of our tax dollars.

Since Tom Hall has become the town manager, the Town Council, along with his guidance and their blessing, has enabled them to more than double Scarborough’s debt, which now stands at close to $100 millon; and within the next year or two, the town will be looking to add another $20-30 million dollars in debt as it seeks your approval for a new public safety building and an upgrade to the primary and middle schools.


We, the citizens of Scarborough, need responsible leadership and a conservative approach to fiscal responsibility, and there is only one candidate running for office who fits that bill: Mike Turek.

Mike is the independent voice that this town needs at this time. He has no ties to any town-sponsored organization, and he is not predisposed to any particular group or special interest group. He is the voice that this town needs as a guardian of our financial future, and the man you can count on to try and utilize our tax dollars wisely.

I urge you to vote for Mike Turek for Scarborough Town Council.

Bob Rovner


Vote for Perkins


To say that I am thrilled Matthew Perkins is running for school board in South Portland is an understatement. Mr. Perkins is hardworking, compassionate, and dedicated. He truly cares for students and their families, and volunteers tirelessly year-round in and out of the school system to help provide healthy activities for students of all capacities. That he is willing to go a step further and share his dedication, motivation and energy with the school board is a wonderful gift for all of South Portland.

I have had the pleasure of volunteering with Mr. Perkins in many different arenas, most recently during Dyer Elementary School’s year-round mileage club, which he runs during his lunch hour, and after school and on weekends during Little League, which he coaches. Mr. Perkins has an encouraging word for everyone, and truly enjoys helping students better themselves. He is patient and thorough, always positive, and his commitment to our youth makes him an outstanding candidate.

Please help South Portland schools grow in the right direction and vote Matthew Perkins for school board.

Gina Correia

South Portland