PORTLAND – There are scores of fascinating properties in the city’s West End, and this Stick Style home on the southern edge of the Western Prom ranks very high among them.

From the second, 1986 edition of the indispensable book “Portland,” first published in 1972 by Greater Portland Landmarks, we learn that the house was built in the early 1870s for Edward Alling Noyes, “a city councillor responsible for Portland’s first electric street lighting in 1883, and deeply involved in the arts.”

The stunningly appointed interior of the Noyes home, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, proclaims the artistic flair of the original owner, who lived from 1839-1916.

“Portland” credits him with “a good eye for architecture as well as a certain amount of stylistic daring”; and remarks of the house, “A mixture of medieval resonances with some fashionably rustic Swiss chalet lurks behind this unusual dwelling.”

A complete discussion of the home’s details would probably require a book unto itself. But this peek at the vestibule and foyer that “lurk” behind the ornate front porch may succeed in conveying some of the Edward Alling Noyes house’s wonderful and whimsical charm.

The 3,861-square-foot home at 394 Danforth St., Portland, is listed for sale at $795,000 by Tom Landry of Benchmark Residential and Investment Real Estate.

For more information, please contact Tom at 775-0248, 939-0186, or at landryteam@benchmarkmaine.com.