Raymond singer Nashville bound

Suzanna Butterfield, a Raymond resident and junior at North Yarmouth Academy, was recently selected to the 2015 All-National Honors Mixed Choir for the second year in a row.

Butterfield was one of 673 student-musicians from 49 states to be chosen out of their district or All-State ensembles by the National Association for Music Education, making her one of the “best of the best.”

On Oct. 28, Butterfield and her fellow high school elite musicians will perform a gala concert on stage at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Tenn. She is rehearsing a challenging repertoire in preparation for performing under the baton of Ann Howard Jones, one of the most prominent conductors in the country.

“I thought it would be amazing to go again,” Butterfield said, “but there were so many incredible singers there that I didn’t think I’d get chosen. It’s beyond amazing. Last year, when I got in, it was a dream; I couldn’t believe it. To get in a second time is just unbelievable.”

Talk to explore


hidden history

of Lakes Region

Marilyn Weymouth Sequin, author of “Hidden History of the Sebago Lakes Region,” will be at the Raymond Village Library on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 6:30 p.m., to discuss the quirky characters and surprising events that have shaped a robust community history throughout the Lakes Region, including Nathaniel Hawthorne and a Chinese statue believed to be responsible for suspicious misfortunes on the shores of Long Lake.

Sequin was born and educated in Maine and has spent parts of the last 27 summers vacationing at camps in the Lakes Region. The program is free. There will be books for purchase following the program. Pre-register to reserve your place by calling the library at 655-4283 or email sally.holt@raymondvillagelibrary.org.

Marilyn Weymouth Sequin