PORTLAND — The want of four signatures ended Christopher Vail’s second bid to become mayor.

Melissa LaChance of the city clerk’s office said Sept. 4 that Vail, a Portland firefighter and resident of 1119 Washington Ave., will not be on the Nov. 3 ballot because the office could confirm only 296 of the 300 signatures of registered city voters on his nomination papers.

Vail, a 2011 candidate, turned in 328 signatures, but the office rejected 32 after meeting with Vail because they were indecipherable or not registered voters.

The mayoral race is now between incumbent Mayor Michael Brennan, of 49 Wellington Road; former state Sen. Ethan Strimling (also a 2011 candidate), of 211 Spring St., and Tom MacMillan, chairman of the Green Independent Party city committee, of 24A Deering St.