Buxton’s Board of Selectman next week could name a successor for retired Code Enforcement Officer Fred Farnham. Just a dozen voters in a special town meeting last week paved the way for upgrading the position to full time

Selectman Peter Burns said Tuesday the board has offered the job to someone but was waiting to hear back from the individual.

“We haven’t named anybody,” Burns said.

But Burns expected the board would appoint someone next week. The board meets weekly at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays in Town Hall, 185 Portland Road.

Voters in a special town meeting on Aug. 6 approved adding $15,000 to the salary for the code enforcement officer’s position that is expanding to a 40-hour week from 32 hours.

Town Clerk John Myers said 12 voters attended the special town meeting and that David Harmon, husband of Jean Harmon, vice chairwoman of the Board of Selectmen, was elected moderator.

“When the moderator asked for a show of hands of those in favor, the hands were not counted. When he asked for those opposed, I don’t think that anyone raised their hand, so the moderator declared that the article passed as written,” Myers said.

Buxton voters had set the annual budget in the town meeting in June. The additional $15,000 in funds will be taken from undesignated surplus, according to the question voters approved last week.

Farnham, who earned a $40,000 salary, recently retired. Jean Harmon said last week that Farnham had worked for the town 21 years.

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